Posted by: Scott Paschal | March 16, 2008

Spooky Naked Guy Answers Roll Call

Luke 8:30

Jesus asks him, “What is your name?”

“Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him.


Spooky Naked Guy Chronicles: Part Four

Previously: In the past Spooky Naked Guy had been chained, but always escaped when the demons returned to inhabit him and gave him supernatural strength to break the chains. Then, they made him run to solitary places.

We learn from Spooky Naked Guy that sometimes chains (discipline, accountability, intervention) are meant to protect us. Yet, sin can cause us to see healthy boundaries as controlling and dangerous, thus driving us away from the very thing which truly cares about our happiness.

The story continues…

Jesus really didn’t need to know Spooky Naked Guy’s name, or the names of the demons inhabiting him. He already knew exactly who and what He was speaking to and why. Yet, the Bible clearly shows Jesus asked him his name!

And, just before this, Jesus had commanded the demons to come out of Spooky Naked Guy… but He then let the demons ask Him questions before obeying His commands.

Why would Jesus negotiate with demons, and ask them their names, and even allow them to speak to Him in the first place!? In other places of the Bible, Jesus commands and no negotiating follows.

Jesus had chosen to have this amazing meeting on the beach with Spooky Naked Guy long before he even knew he was spooky and naked. This guy cutting himself with rocks and living in a cemetery while terrorizing locals was the object of his Savior’s love. Before, and during, the demonic possession is a child of God made in His image who is totally loved and adored by His maker who has come to rescue Him.

And here is Jesus writing the Bible through His words and deeds to teach us and show us and love us nearly 2000 years later. He has his reasons for allowing the demons to speak to Him.

When we have sin in our lives, sometimes we don’t see it. Sure, sometimes we do, but often we don’t. Maybe we have sinful habits passed down from our parents or grandparents. Maybe we are addicted to something and the sin has blinded us. Could be we choose to sin and rationalize it as ok.

I’m guilty of all of the above!

Aren’t you?

Jesus needed us to read this passage in His story. Jesus wants us to name our sin, see it for what it is.

He knows sin is powerful and can and will overtake our lives inhabiting and controlling our destiny. When sin recognizes Jesus, it will bow down… yet will still attempt to control through negotiation.

When Jesus and Spooky Naked Guy were face to face on the beach, the demons recognized Jesus and Jesus recognized the demons. Sin began its negotiations, yet Jesus demanded Spooky Naked Guy to name his demon (sin). He wanted it to be revealed through words. He wanted it to be exposed.

We all have sin in our lives. Jesus knows our sin.

He’s asking you to name the sin in your life. Is demonic activity influencing your thoughts and actions? Are you immune to it!? No, you’re not. Name your sin. Expose it. Tell it to Jesus.

Stop negotiating with it yourself. Stop letting it rule your life. Name it. Expose it as the fraud it is!

Jesus knows every detail about you. He knows every aspect of your life. His love for you knows no end. As you live each day, do you have a complete and clear understanding of the power of God’s total love for you? Forget what the world teaches! Forget it!! What was trendy 100 years ago, is idiotic now.

Who cares what the latest God-aphobic trend is now!? I don’t. You shouldn’t. The absolute only thing that matters is Jesus Christ crucified. Nothing less. Nothing more.

Name your sin. Tell it to Jesus.

You are a child of God made in His image.

Jesus is asking for all of you…

… give him your sin, so you can begin to live free in Him.


Scott Paschal

International Christian Tennis Association




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